

I realized when you shed wickedness on someone that doesn't deserve it, Karma occurs. I realized no matter what you do or say to try to redirect the Karma, maybe trying to be a nice for a change, will not help you. Because Karma will and will always, take its toll. It’s crazy when occurs because when it does, it’s in a familiar situation you were in and you’ll know exactly where it originated from. For example, you cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend and a few years later, someone you’re dating ends up cheating on you. Watch what you say/do to people and treat them how you would want to be treated. The last thing you want is Karma to be your bestfriend. 

“Own Up To It”

Why do we tend to complain about situations we put ourselves in? Ladies and gents, we need to stop blaming people for the things we put ourselves through. We need to own up to our actions and realize that the only thing that is making us unhappy is ourselves. No one gets up on the “wrong side of the bed” but instead we use that as an excuse. We decide our fate, we decide who we associate ourselves with. Be the change you want to see in this world. 


Pain. Everyone deals with it but do we actually deal with it? I don’t mean hiding it under alcohol use or getting under someone else. I mean actually dealing with it. This morning I advise you to recognize, realize, and really do something about this pain you are experiencing. Sit in a room alone and talk it out with yourself or talk it out with someone you trust and get down to the root of it. Only then will you truly know how to handle it.     Now, if you continue to ignore it, it’s like building your life on a cracked foundation. Yeah, it might be able to carry a little weight but if you continue to add weight, which you will, it will reach it’s limit and everything will come crashing down.


There are a variety of plants that can grow in the hardest of places while many wilt and die. Why is that? Because those who survive, adapt. When it comes to living, it is there mission to stay alive regardless of conditions. As humans, we should apply it to our daily lives. No matter what your background is and your current conditions are, you too should be able to switch it around and use it to grow and thrive. The only thing is, how badly do you want it?

"Sex & Trust In Modern Society"

How a three letter word has single-handedly destroyed reputations, closed off opportunities, put a hold on life dreams and aspirations, and changed lives when done incorrectly. I have came to the realization that I am afraid of sex not because of the physical but because of the mental. How a three letter word has ruined relationships ,long lasting marriages and trust. How we have to look through our significant other's phone to confirm that he or she has been truthful instead of asking them ourselves. How did we get here where we have to sneak on social media to find out if he or she has been talking to that “bitch” or that “nigga”. How did we get to a place where we justify (“something on the side”) (a fuck buddy) to be a good thing to have. How do we say we love someone and turn around and sleep with a random person. How did we get here? That is the question that no one can seem to answer. Does trust not mean anything? Does love not mean something? And does sex mean everythi